Tyler Zimmermann

Web Designer

Portrait of Tyler Zimmermann

Tyler Zimmermann

Tyler Zimmermann stands at the edge of state of the art computer website design as a soon to be graduate of Harrisburg Area Community College’s Web Development and Design program. Entering the industry in 2014, Tyler will be an asset to any business, government agency or web-consulting firm as a web application developer, web designer, web developer, interactive media specialist, web producer or web user experience designer.

As a new graduate, Tyler has, for graduation requirements, and for personal interest, developed high quality webpages for a variety of uses; published websites with effective design and content for various platforms; created interactive and multimedia content for web use; developed websites using modern standards for HyperText Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets, and Java Script; created programs for both web and mobile applications; and developed web applications that integrate server programming, databases and markup languages. He has worked individually, and as a member of teams, on website projects. As a result of his education, he is proficient in writing and speaking effectively and professionally.

Through several years of courses at HACC and Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Tyler, has had the opportunity to investigate a variety of technical and computer majors, earning credits in a diverse assortment of courses, all supporting his exceptional interest in high tech endeavors. He has explored Cyber Security, Information Technology Support, Network Specialization, Software Development and Information Management.

Other specific interests explored by Tyler, not related to his current degree, are photography, art, fiction writing, mythology, videogame design and filmmaking. He would like to further his proficiency in filmmaking with additional instruction and training under the guidance of a formal film school program in the future.

Tyler embraces integrity, honesty, friendliness and dedication. He values family, creativity, hard work and focus.